Friday, June 1, 2012


All I can say is WOW!  I was running like I was possessed tonight!  We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant tonight and afterwards I was feeling pretty good so I decided to go for a little run.  The only thing I have done all week was some swimming on Sunday and the Cotton Row on Monday, but no training.  So I went home and changed and headed to the greenway.  Since I missed the Tri101 classes on Tuesday, I decided I was going to run for 30 minutes.  It was about 68 degrees out and not very windy—PERFECT!.  I got my music like I like it, a little Nine-Inch-Nails to start off, and I started running trying not to start off too fast.  I started at 11:00 min/mile and was feeling good.  I got to 15 minutes and was going to turn around, but since I was feeling good, I decided I would just go ahead and do 5K.  So I kept going and was going to turn around at 1.6 miles.

When I got to 1.6 miles, I was still feeling unusually good, so I decided to go for 2 miles and make it 4 miles total.  When I got to 2 miles I thought to myself, “wouldn’t it be a kick if I did a 10K”.  I was still feeling ok, so I kept going.  When I got to 3.1 miles, I could see then end of the greenway so of course, I kept going.  When I got to the end of the greenway I had gone 3.55 miles in 42:10.  Which is about 12 minutes/min.  Not exactly tearing it up, but I had run continuously, with no walking, for 42 minutes.  AND, I still felt ok.  I didn’t have any pain and was not breathing that hard.
So, I turned around and kept going.  I told myself I would try to run for 60 minutes.  On the way back, my left foot and my right ankle started hurting a little.  When I got to 60:05 and had gone 4.94 miles non-stop.  My foot was hurting, so I stopped and walked for a while.  My legs felt really weird and walking actually made my foot/ankle hurt more.  So I spent the remainder of the time running/walking trying to ignore the ever increasing pain.

I ended up doing a total of 7.09 miles in 1:33:24 (13.1 min/mile).  NOT BAD!!  And the best thing was I wasn’t tired or breathing hard.  My feet were KILLING me, but other than that, I may have been able to do more.

Some notable times, 1st mile – 11:57, 1st 5K – 41:08 (13.2 min/mile), 2nd 5K – 40:19 (13 min/mile) (how about that! a negative split!!), total 10K – 1:21:27 (13.1 min/mile).

When I got home I immediately iced my foot and ankle and took an anti-inflammatory, drank some water and ate a banana.  I am feeling pretty good, but my legs kind of hurt.  I am really STOKED about running so far.  I probably would be able to walk for two days, BUT I DON’T CARE!!!

Like always, I try to learn something every time I do something and apply it next time.  First of all, I think I ran a little too far.  I am excited I did it, but I may have compromised my training next week.  Going to be hard to bike or run if I can’t walk.  Second, I run WAY better with music.  There is nothing like Metallica and Guns and Roses for running.  It’s too bad you can’t wear headphones at most events.  And lastly, USE BODY GLIDE!!  My nipples were literally bleeding when I got home.  (yeah I know – OUCH!)

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