Sunday, September 30, 2012

Did a fun race this weekend.  It was called "Racin the Station".  It was a perfect race for the Rocket City.  It was a duathlon (run, bike, run).  It was sponsored by Nasa, so it was a little on the geeky side.  But being a geek myself, I could relate.  It was a pretty short race, 2 mile run-14 mile bike-2 mile run.  Actually, being a Nasa race, the runs were PI km (3.14) and the run was e*PI (23) km.  Gotta love it!  The goal of the race was to finish the race before the space station could complete one orbit which takes about 91 minutes.  Which turned out to not be as easy as it sounds.

I was not planning on doing the race, since I had something going on the day of the race.  But on Friday, it turned out that I could make it so I signed up.  I was glad I did.  A lot of friends from past triathlons were there.  We had a blast.  I did pretty good.  I did not beat the station though.  My time was 1:38:49.  I'll beat it next year!  I did manage to average 10:10 for the first two mile run.  That's 1:05 better that my fastest two miles so far.  I am still not endangering the podium, but I am getting better each time.  I am getting a little tired of being almost last in my age group though.  I hope bu next season I can at least make it up into the middle of the pack.

Of course, sticking with custom, the TRI-101 peeps went out to grab a bite to eat and get some "liquid" recovery.  Hey, I'm sure it was five o'clock somewhere.

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